track and trace iot fietsen

Securing scooters and bikes via IoT

Bike tracker


Rental companies want to be able to track and trace their rented bikes in realtime. But also bigger organizations that use bicycles for transport on their properties want to know where their bikes are.

At the same time the average price of a bike increases dramatically. Modern electric bikes become more and more popular. For that reason insurance companies require track-and-trace devices to be able to trace-back bikes in case of theft.

Customer demand

Our customers are looking for a track-and-trace solutions with the following characteristics:

  • It should be possible to integrated the device easily in the bike but also impassible to take it off afterwards
  • The device should have a long life-time and thus a very low energy consumption
  • The device should function properly everywhere in The Netherlands, both indoor and outdoor.


In close cooperation with one of the biggest bicycle producers CLICKEY Solutions develops a device that fits  all the requirement mentioned above. It will be possible to instll the device in such a way that it will be impossible to take it off. Energy consumption will low and average life-time will be several years. And as the LoRa network will be used for localization, national coverage is secured.


This solution will be suitable for both new as well as existing bikes.

If you are interested in more information please contact us.