Our customer CareforCoffee delivers Coffee Services to many businesses in The Netherlands. These services consists of delivery and installation of coffee machines, delivery of coffee supplies (beans) and cleaning and maintenance of the machines.
Customer demand
On top of its existing services our customer CareforCoffee wants to deliver daily insights in usage of the coffee machine to its customers . How many cups have been delivered, which coffee flavor is favorite and is the coffee machine functioning well? Are additional supplies needed or is maintenance required?
To enable this request CLICKEY Solutions had developed a MONITOR solution through which individual machines can be connected using a CLICKEY-Pro set-up. Data can be accessed remotely and this data is loaded in the customer management software from the CLICKEY portal.
Today our customer is able to monitor and control its machines remotely. This allows the customer to deliver better services as data about supplies and maintenance are realtime available. All data can also be used to get more insight in usage and costs. All in all this has resulted in the following USP’s for CareforCoffee:
- An innovative product with more and better functionality
- Higher quality through pro-active maintenance
- Higher customer satisfaction
What does this mean for you
This CLICKEY solution can be used in all vending machines. Complete remote monitoring and management of all machines, including remote diagnostics and maintenance and remote on/off switching is now possible.
Are you interested in this solution? Please contact us.
Or take a look at the “Care for Coffee” website to view all their products.